Sparklines, as seen in this overview post on sparklines, are quick, simple charts that can be inserted directly a the cell of a spreadsheet created with Google Sheets. One of their strengths is their simplicity. However, there are several options that can be used to expand a sparkline’s functionality. Below, we focus on the options available for use with the bar chart type of sparkline.

Bar chart sparkline options
determines the maximum value on the horizontal (x) axis
Note that this is the value in the first cell so the entire chart is representing just that one value.
Note that this is the sum of the values in the first two cells so the entire chart is representing just these two values.
This is the value of all of the cells added together the chart is the same as if you had not specified a max value.
This is the value of all of the cells added together the chart is the same as if you had not specified a max value. Note that barcharts must use absolute values as the chart is rendered the same way whether or not the cells are negative.
setting of 75. This chart illustrates that you can specify a chart max larger than the chart itself and the chart will scale down.
determines the first color color used for bars in the chart
setting of red. Note that is changes the 1st, 3rd, 5th color, etc
determines the second color color used for bars in the chart
and "color2","yelow"
Note that this changes not only the first and second colors, but all of the colors.
how to treat empty cells
No empty parameter is set for this sparkline bar chart
give the cell a value of zero for the sparkline
ignore the cell, rendering the chart as if it does not exist
how to treat cells with non-numeric data
let Sheets try to convert the character(s) in the cell to a number. Good luck on this one.ignore
ignore the cell, rendering the chart as if that value does not exist- Note in the image that the “ignore” option behaves the same as not designating this option at all.
changes the direction of the chart from left-to-right to right-to-left
The direction of the chart is flippedfalse
The direction of the chart stays the same- Note that the “false” option behaves the same as not designating this option at all.
Video explanation
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