If you’re using Gmail and you’ve received an email with more than one file attached to it, it can time consuming to download them. This article will show an easy way to download them all at once, saving you all of the extra steps.

You can download each attachment separately by hovering over the thumbnail and clicking the download icon but this can take a long time. There is a lot of repeated steps if you do it this way.

However, if you move your cursor to the upper right hand corner of the attachments and hover over the icon as shown in the next picture below, instead of downloading one attachment, this gives you the option to download all of the attachments at once.

Video explanation
The file that is downloaded will be a Zip file which is one compressed file with all of the downloads compressed inside of it.

To open the Zip file using Windows 10, double click on the file then click the button that says “extract” on it. Click it and do extract all.

This will extract all of the attachments whether there were two or twenty saving you time for other things in your life!
Munir Khakhi says:
You can use https://github.com/munir131/attachment-downloader it is free and open source.