This post is written to accompany the YouTube video showing how to identify duplicates in your Google Sheet.
Conditional Formatting Function using COUNTIFS – For starting in cell A2
IF statement – Written as if it started in row 2 and looks at three columns
=IF(COUNTIFS(A$2:A2,A2,B$2:B2,B2,C$2:C2,C2)>1, "Duplicate", "")
Live examples in Sheets
Go to this spreadsheet for examples of identifying duplicates that you can study and use anywhere you would like.
Using a plugin
As an alternative to the options above, you may want a plugin to do the heavy lifting for you. I like to use a plugin called Power Tools. This will give you a menu option with, among other things, several options to deal with duplicates. You can use the plugin to combine or remove duplicated rows.

0 thoughts on “Learn Two Methods to Identify Duplicates in Google Sheets”
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Yogesh Khetani says:
Thank you, I watched your video.
Teddy Mondres says:
Hello there! I appreciate your videos, they’re very informative!
Right now I’m looking for a formula to be used in conditional formatting, such that cells in a column will be highlighted if their addresses, such as $A$1, are entered/matched in another column. I’m thinking a combination of the formulas MATCH and ADDRESS, but can’t quite figure it out. And there may not have been help on this online. Thanks for your help!
Prolific Oaktree says:
Oh, I can’t think of a way to do that. Be sure to come back and let us know if you figure it out.
Rachel says:
I am trying to set up the duplicate finder for rows d & e and they are not single words like shown as in your video. My rows have full sentences. How can I make the duplicate word finder work for my specific situation?
Prolific Oaktree says:
It should work the same way whether you look for duplicate single words or sentences.