sparklines ymin ymax

Line graph options for Sparklines in Google Sheets with Examples

Sparklines, as seen in the overview post on sparklines, are quick, simple charts that can be inserted into the cell of a spreadsheet created with Google Sheets.  One of their strengths is their simplicity.  However, there are several options that can be used to expand their functionality.  Below, we focus on the options available for use with the line graph type of sparkline.

Line graph options

xmin sets the minimum value along the horizontal axis (not shown)

xmax sets the maximum value along the horizontal axis (not shown)

ymin sets the minimum value along the vertical axis.

ymax sets the maximum value along the vertical axis.

sparklines ymin ymax

color sets the color of the line

empty how to treat empty cells

  • zero give the cell a value of zero for the sparkline
  • ignore ignore the cell, rendering the chart as if it does not exist
  • Note in the image that the “ignore” option behaves the same as not designating this option at all.

Video explanation

sparklines empty options shown with different choices

nan how to treat cells with non-numeric data

  • convert let Sheets try to convert the character(s) in the cell to a number. Good luck on this one.
  • ignore ignore the cell, rendering the chart as if that value does not exist
  • Note in the image that the “ignore” option behaves the same as not designating this option at all.

sparklines nan graphs with different options shown

rtl changes the direction of the chart from left-to-right to right-to-left

  • true The direction of the chart is flipped
  • false The direction of the chart stays the same
  • Note in the image that the “false” option behaves the same as not designating this option at all.

sparklines linegraph with different rtl options specified

linewidth specifies the thickness of the line in the chart

sparklines linechart with different linde widths specified

Follow image below for the live Google doc with sparklines

docs share icon

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