Pivot Table Groups
If you’re using a Pivot Table in Google Sheets and you want to create groups within that pivot table, you can do it with just a few clicks.
This tutorial starts with a table of sales transactions and walks you through the steps to group the transactions by region like this.
This walk-through assumes that you have completed your Pivot Table and have a basic knowledge of how to use it. See this video if you need some help on Pivot Tables.
If you need a primer on Pivot Tables, this video will walk you through them.
Raw Data
When you look at the table below, we can see we have different regions. We have West, East, North, and, um, just one mile left of North.

Build Your Pivot Table
Let’s make the rows of our Pivot Table the value in the Region column from the table of raw data. Select any cell in the table of data and go to Data and Pivot table. This will start to fill your Pivot Table. Click ADD for the rows and select “Region.”
Use the OmniPivot add on to use more than one table as your source.

To fill in the center of the Pivot Table with data, select ADD for the Values and choose SUM, which is the default. This will show the sum of the sales by Region.

Let’s add another value here to make it look more informative. We also care about the item, right? Okay, add that as a column. This will give your Pivot Table a broader display of data.

Video Description
Grouping the Data
Now let’s group together the compass directions and then group the One Mile Left of North in another group because he’s a little bit different so we want to analyze him differently. What you want to do is highlight the three that you want to group separately, right-click, and create a Pivot group, as shown in the image below.

Now, the Pivot Table has put the three compass direction territories together and then the one oddball. Now you can expand and collapse these groups in the same way that you can in a spreadsheet without a Pivot Table. That’s the way to group data in a Google Sheets pivot table. That’s all.