Title of Sway

Embed a Live Word Document into a Microsoft Sway Presentation

If you’re using Microsoft’s Sway and you want to insert a Word document, there’s just a couple easy steps to do it.

Title of Sway
The title of your Sway

Create a new Sway and give it a title. I’ve called this one Embedding a Word Document.

Media group
Choose the media group

Next, click the plus sign to add more content. Choose the Media group then click the Embed option.

Choose the embed option

Video explanation


Create new Word document
Create a new Word Document
Upload Word document
Upload an existing Word document

Sway is now waiting for the embed code. You need to get the code from your Word document after you’ve uploaded it to OneDrive (or created it online to begin with). So, assuming you’ve uploaded your Word document, we’re going to step forward from that point. If you haven’t done that, you need to open up OneDrive and upload it.

Embed option in Word
Embed option in Word online

In the online Word document, go to Share and embed and the code is down here waiting for you. It’s all highlighted. Copy the embed code from your clipboard and go back to your Microsoft Sway. Go to the box waiting for your input, and paste the code.

Embed card with code
Sway card with embed code

You’ve embedded that Microsoft document. This is live. If you were to update this in Word, this document that’s showing here would be updated. You can also interact with this document to a certain extent with the icon lower right hand corner. You can download it or print it.

Sway with embedded document
Sway with embedded document

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